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Track names are listed in the far left panel. Combine data and feature panels by selecting the option to display all tracks in a single panel on the General tab of the Preferences window. Drag-and-drop a track name to move a track from one panel to another. By default, IGV displays data in one panel and features in another, as shown here. IGV also displays features, such as genes, in tracks. This example shows segmented copy number data.

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Typically, each track represents one sample or experiment. IGV displays data in horizontal rows called tracks. The span lists the number of bases currently displayed. The tick marks indicate chromosome locations. The ruler reflects the visible portion of the chromosome. When zoomed out to display the full chromosome, the red box disappears from the ideogram. The red box on the chromosome ideogram indicates which portion of the chromosome is displayed. The menu bar and pop-up menus (not shown) provide access to all other functions. The tool bar provides access to commonly used functions. The following figure shows data from The Cancer Genome Atlas:

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